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Our Governing Body

The Governing body of The Viridis Federation of Orchard, Southwold and Hoxton Garden Schools consists of 13 members who support the school in its strategic direction through acting as ‘critical friends.’

The Governing body meets three times a year and also splits into school sub committee’s termly. These committees feedback to the main Governing body on outcomes at all three school sites. Please click here to find out more information about school sub committees.

Governors also have a link Governor role overseeing areas such as safeguarding, Health & Safety and different curriculum areas.

If you wish to contact the Governing Body please address correspondence to the Chair of Governors via the main school office. If your contact is the result of a complaint please follow the steps outlined in the Complaints Policy which can be found in the policies section of this website and is also available in our school reception areas or on request.

Recent Newsletters

For older newsletters please click here.

The Viridis Schools Federation Instrument of Governance