We teach key skills and knowledge that lead to understanding and develop the confidence to succeed.
We are committed to providing a caring, happy, welcoming environment that meets the needs of each child and ensures that all children have equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum including interaction with, and appreciation of, the arts and many opportunities for wider enrichment.
We develop in children a desire for life-long learning and an understanding of different cultures, traditions and societies as well as to respect individual rights and responsibilities.
Our learning community is facilitated by a leadership structure that clearly communicates our core purpose and direction, and a system of informed continuous professional development. Our professional staff team actively seek to take up opportunities to further their own knowledge and skills to the benefit of our schools.
We are committed to inclusion, believing that every child has the right to succeed. We take ownership of the responsibility to ensure that any barriers to learning are overcome and that all children experience success in contexts that are highly relevant for them.
Our parents and community are key partners and we are committed to working together to sustain a strong sense of community, promote educational achievement, raise children’s self-esteem and engender a sense of pride in our schools and communities.
Our values are embedded in our vision. A value is a principle that guides our thinking and our behaviour. At our schools, every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school.
Our core values have been chosen because they help to create a share identity and sense of belonging. They set the tone for behaviour, attitudes and interactions to ensure that our community is aligned in a shared goal. Each half term we celebrate a focus value as well as revisiting all six core values in PSHE lessons and assemblies.
Below are our six core values and examples of how these might be evidenced over time.
- Effort to support and help/care for others
- Contribution to a happy playground
- Co-operation with others
- Good manners and empathy
- Improved presentation/handwriting
- Effort in responding to marking
- Care when completing home learning tasks
- Never giving up trying to improve even when learning is tough
- Effort to learn times tables/spellings
- Ability to solve problems in mathematics
- Showing respect towards others, awareness of own actions, ability to set targets and reflect on own progress