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Art & Design Technology

Art and DT are taught in half term blocks and learning is linked to the wider topic theme to contextulalise learning.

Our Art and Design curriculum covers all of the knowledge and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. To ensure that children develop a secure knowledge that they can build on, it is organised into a progression model that outlines the knowledge, skills and vocabulary to be taught in a sequentially coherent way.

The curriculum is designed around five core units each year across Key Stage 1 and 2 with specific artist studies built in. Children study a range of works by a range of famous artists, of diverse backgrounds, to develop knowledge of styles. This is achieved through direct teaching and through cross-curricular opportunities in the classroom.

Art is displayed in classrooms and around our school to motivate and inspire others and to celebrate outcomes.

Core Elements of Art and Design Teaching

  • Engaging and inspiring lessons that promote critical thinking and curiosity.
  • Opportunity to rehearse and develop skills needed to succeed in each unit of work.
  • High quality instruction and questioning with teachers providing final outcomes and a carefully planned sequenced lessons that build on knowledge, skills and understanding.
  • Carefully prepared and selected resources that meet the skill application expectation.
  • Retrieval of previous learning and explicit links through concepts that connect new learning with what the children already know.
  • A focus on ambitious vocabulary used in context.
  • Carefully chosen and planned lessons and activities that are scaffold and adapted to ensure all children meet the intent of the Art and Design curriculum.
  • The teaching of reflective evaluation.


In EYFS, as part of the continuous provision both inside and outdoors, children are exposed to a variety of creative tasks each week. Over the year these activities enable children to experiment and explore a wide range of materials, techniques and experiment with colour, texture, design, form and function. Vocabulary is planned and prioritised to support pupils to know more and increase their understanding.

In Key Stage 1, children are taught to use a range of media to explore and create their own pieces of art work. They practise and develop their skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and collage. They develop techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. They learn about the work of a range of artists, craftsmen and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, make links and evaluate their own work.

In Key Stage Two, children are taught to develop control and use of materials, through experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design. Children improve their mastery of techniques in drawing, painting sculpture, printing and collage, learning to refine detail. Children evaluate their own work against the purpose of the artist or style.

Cultural Capital

Children are introduced to a range of culturally and ethnically diverse artworks and artists, spanning different genres and styles through the curriculum.

Children are given opportunities to engage in Art and Design outside the classroom, with visits from artists, workshops, museum or gallery trips for example Work Week, holiday homework projects and enrichment events.

Accessibility for all children

Our expectation is that the majority of children will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace through supporting children with additional inputs, interventions, peer support and resources.

The ambitious and inclusive nature of the curriculum allows a range of access points that ensure all children, including those with special educational needs, succeed, regardless of their circumstances, with high expectations set for everyone.

For more information on our approach to teaching Art and Design, please look at our coffee morning timetable for the next available session or make an appointment in the school office to speak with our Art and Design subject leader.

Art Gallery

Art & Design News

  • 28th February 2025

    Travel on the Weaver Line with EYFS

    Travel on the Weaver Line with EYFS

    EYFS had an amazing adventure spotting different forms of transport such as buses, trains, cars and vans! On the Weaver Line train, they took photos with an iPad while enjoying…

    28th February 2025
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 6th November 2024

    Welcome Our New School Council Team 2024/25

    Welcome Our New School Council Team 2024/25

    The results are in from Democracy Day! Southwold's new Head Boy, Head Girl, deputies and treasurer have been chosen. They are excited to start representing and supporting pupils across our…

    6th November 2024
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 5th October 2022

    Pupil Voice Fayre

    Pupil Voice Fayre

    KS1 and KS2 enjoyed attending their pupil voice fayre this week. The hall was filled with many stalls where they had the chance to speak to the Year 6 ambassadors…

    5th October 2022
    Fabiha Sultana

  • 21st November 2018

    School Council meeting with Caterlink

    School Council meeting with Caterlink

    This week our school council met with Keely from Caterlink (area manager). They got to feed back on what they think about school dinners, and discussed  possible options for a…

    21st November 2018

  • 19th October 2018

    Democracy Day

    Democracy Day

    This week we had our Democracy Day where the new class and school councillors were elected. Councillor Ian Rathbone came into school to talk to the children about the important…

    19th October 2018