Librarians huddled together to share what they enjoy about their role. Their key tasks involve tidyi...
- Southwold’s Pupil Voice Fayre was a roaring success with everyone leaving motivated to apply f...
- Our librarians have been busy organising our communal bookshelves, making them tidy and easily acces...
- The librarians have been working hard to keep the bookshelves tidy and organised and the Year 6s hav...
- For World Book Day, Year 5 and 6 enjoyed reading their favourite books to the Year 1 and 2 pupils an...
- KS1 and KS2 enjoyed attending their pupil voice fayre this week. The hall was filled with many stall...
- The librarians have been working really hard in their jobs. They have been ensuring the book shelves...
- During the partial closures we asked children to share their ‘get caught reading’ photos with us. Fr...
- Last week Southwold hosted the an...