Southwold Girls Football Team took part in a 5 a side competition. They performed brilliantly, finis...
- Southwold’s Pupil Voice Fayre was a roaring success with everyone leaving motivated to apply f...
- Our Sports Ambassadors visited Lords’ Cricket Ground to participate in a fun skills session. T...
- Year 4 enjoyed their PE lesson where they had a warm up session led by two of their class mates, fol...
- Sports Ambassadors have been busy teaching the importance of staying fit and healthy throughout this...
- KS1 and KS2 enjoyed attending their pupil voice fayre this week. The hall was filled with many stall...
- Children from Years 4 and 5 took part in the Hackney Cycling League ‘hill climb’ at Spri...
- Year 4 took part in a multi-sports workshop. The children had the opportunity to take part in a vari...
- Year 2 have been studying ‘Dance’ in their PE lessons. The children were moving around t...
- The children in Years 5 and 6 had the opportunity to take part in a spot of socially distanced rolle...
- In the Autumn term we were visited by Dr Bike. It was a soggy, but very busy day for Dr Bike. Experi...
- In the Autumn Term Year 4 started their cycling lessons, which will take place weekly. As some of yo...
- Last week Southwold hosted the an...
- At the end of the Autumn Term, pu...
- Pupils from Year 5 Osprey Class and Mallard...
- Southwold is proud to be a Bikeability school! Bikeability is today’s cycle training programme. It’s...